Monday, November 23, 2009

Campaign against female genital mutilation, fund raising with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

November 17, 2009

A gala evening in support of the campaign against female genital mutilation. The event, held on Tuesday 17 November at Villa Letizia in Rome, was organised by the NGO No Peace without Justice, founded by Vice President of the Senate Emma Bonino, and thanks to the support of Anna Ventutini Fendi and Minister for Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini, Minister for Equal Opportunity Mara Carfagna and Mayor of Rome Giovanni Alemanno, under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano.

The initiative, entitled “For a world with no violence against women and children”, was linked with the G8 meeting on violence against women held at the foreign ministry in Rome on 9 November, developing the by now essential concept public/private partnership from the point of view of enlarged development cooperation.

In the struggle against the scourge of female genital mutilation, the Vice President of the Senate stressed, “major results have been achieved, and Minister for Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini’s commitment to a UN initiative has been decisive to this human rights issue. We of No Peace without Justice have done and will continue to do everything possible, but it is important that all of us do our part”.