Thursday, April 15, 2010

Female Genital Mutilation Abandoned in Southern Mali

April 13, 2010
By Afrique En Ligne

Bamako, Mali - Women who perform female genital mutilation in southern Mali have decided to abandon this activity following an awareness campaign by the Coordination of Women's Associations and Organizations (CAFO), the Malian Press Agency (AMAP) reported here Monday.
Based in Nianaso, a locality in the region of Sikasso, the women were schooled in the bad effects of their practice.

The awareness campaign featured film shows on the complications and consequences of female genital mutilation such as bleeding, sudden death, painful menstrual periods and difficult deliveries.Female circumcision is mostly practiced in the Sikasso region, both in cities and rural areas. It is usually practiced on girls aged between four and 12 years.

According to an official of CAFO, Ramatoulaye Traoré, the situation is improving and people are now aware of the problem posed by female genital mutilation."We succeeded in convincing several women to publicly stand against this practice. I am very sure the objectives will be met," she declared.

She, however, disclosed that the organization found it very difficulty to carry out the task, pointing out that cultural practices were deep-rooted in the minds of local people in the area.